The Little Azkals, also known as the Philippine national boys under-13 team, had a similar fate with their big brothers after losing to the booters from the Don Bosco Technology Center (DBTC) via a penalty shootout, 6-5, for the boys-14 title at the Aboitiz Sportsfield in Subangdaku, Mandaue, last weekend.
Both teams were forced into a shootout after the match ended at 1-all in regulation.
In the distaff side, Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu (SHS-AdC) claimed the girls-14 title with a 1-0 edging of St. Theresa’s College (STC).
The abandoned boys-17 title went to the University of San Carlos (USC), which redeemed itself after blanking Giuseppe FC, 3-0.
USC was denied the same title last year by the Abellana National School -Pomeroy, which opted not to defend its title due to budgetary constraints.
In the distaff side, STC’s older girls team compensated for their younger team’s loss with a 2-1 edging over USC via a penalty shootout after their championship match for the girls-17 title ended at 1-all in regulation.
The boys-12 title went to DBTC 1 with a 2-0 outsmarting of Canduman FC.
In the players-10, DBTC 3 frustrated its sister team DBTC 1 for the title with a 4-0 routing, while the players-8 title went to SHS-AdC, which beat Canduman FC, 2-0.
The players-6 title was notched by Giuseppe FC after trouncing Bright Minds.
Cebu Daily News
Europeos en Boca Juniors
10 hours ago
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