01 February 2012

YouTube - Loyola Meralco Sparks 4, Global 3


  1. a magnificent goal by Izzo only to be disallowed by ref. with all due respect mr. ref, it was NO WAY near a dangerous kick, you prick!

  2. People say that football has truly arrived in the Philippines. There are some who argue that it is just a fad. This video further proves its the latter. Majority of the audience in this match are females and all you hear is, "AAAAHHHHHH, AAAAAAYYYYYY-AAAAHH-AAAAYY AAAAAYYY!!!!!!" This holds true for practically all the national team matches, whether they're matches are at home or away. I'm sure if you ask them how much they really know about the sport and if they're genuine football fans.... you'll find out that they pretty much know squat and aren't genuine football fans.... because they're just riding along like its a fad.
