DECA Homes Resort and Residences (DHRR) plays host to the "Football Liga ng Kabataaan," which kicks off at 8 a.m. today, Saturday, at the DHRR soccer field in Barangay Tacunan, Mintal, Tugbok District in Davao City.
Davao Football Association (DFA) general secretary Erwin Protacio said Friday that the league aims to create awareness on the sport in the city's Third District.
"It also aims to provide a diversion program that will promote health and fitness and produce talented players who will represent the city to future competitions," Protacio said.
Catalunan Grande, Tacunan - Deca Homes, Mintal, UP Tigers and Holy Child School of Mintal will compete in the 11 to 13 years old and 10-under categories. The teams will play on a double-round elimination format.
Protacio said matches will be played every Saturday. The hosting of the games will be rotated among the participants.
Third district Representative Isidro T. Ungab and councilor Rachel Zozobrado are the invited guests during the opening rites that will also have Tacunan barangay captain Arnold Asobe, Councilor Benedict Adan of Mintal, 8990 Housing Development Corporation assistant general manager Mary Ann T. Chua and DFA president Rafael "Pops" Vilela as guests.
Ungab will donate the trophies and medals at stake for the winners. (MLSA)
Sun Star Davao
Victor Hugo Morales: "Cuerdas y vocales"
1 day ago
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