03 March 2013

Mindanao - 9 th Del Monte football Cup

Del Monte Football Club (DMFC) in cooperation with Bukidnon Football Association (BUFA) invites you to participate in the 9th Del Monte Football Cup 2013. This annual tournament aims to instill to our young the ideals of teamwork, camaraderie, discipline and sportsmanship. The competition will also be a good test on the skills of your kids all the while creating beautiful moments of friendship. Our venue offers Bukidnon breezes of fresh air while keeping the temperatures pleasant and playing conditions excellent.The 9th Del Monte Football Cup 2013 will be on the 19th (Friday) and 20th (Saturday) of April 2013 at the Camp Phillips Football Grounds. Attached are the details of the tournament and entry forms.Our staff of experienced tournament organizers has dedicated themselves to ensure an enjoyable experience for you and your team. Our goal is to host the most competitive tournament in Bukidnon. No team has the luxury to have a bad game, the competition is just tough!Let us be One World for One Game! Play with different teams from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao on the 9th Del Monte Cup this summer.To guarantee your teams' participation in the tournament, completely fill out and return the attached entry and registration forms on or before April 12, 2013 . Walk-in participants will not be entertained.If you have any questions regarding the tournament and updates, please contact Ronald Badayos at badayosre@delmonte-phil.com 

or delmontefootball@yahoo.com.ph You may also contact Michael Barola at 09061589384


  1. Boys , girls and women`s open tournament in Bukidnon.

  2. what age groups is this festival for precisely?

  3. Boys :6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17 (5 a-side for 6 and 7 y.o. , 7 a-side for others.)
    Girls : U13 and Women`s open

    500 pesos under 12 y.o , 800 pesos above for each team

    email me and I will give you more info : joki20@hotmail.com

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