04 December 2010

Martinez back as PFF President !!!

Bleachers' Brew


  1. Incredible!

    That FIFA dictates and meddles in the internal dealings of PFF shows how weak the organization is.

    Although at this point it's difficult to see how Martinez will get the number of votes required.

    Best scenario -- Martinez quits. All this is taking away energy and attention to what's needed to progress football in the country.

  2. You make it sound like FIFA is just some random organization. It's not, its FIFA, the world governing body for the sport!

  3. The REAL best scenario would be for Martinez to step down and accept the fact that no one trusts him. It will save us a lot of money and time.
    A call for humility and delicadesa.

  4. 90 days? is this even consistent with PFF statutes which the author sites? Who is the author anyway?

    Nobody wants Martinez, period!

  5. Kattner is Deputy Secretary General. And this fellow should know better than to pass judgement based on ONE letter from the aggrieved party.

    He should have consulted with Araneta as well.

    Something smells ....

  6. FIFA rules !!! It has all the right to dictate and meddle with PFF affairs ... The people in that building which is FIFA's property is illegally staying there. If this people are meaning to settle this for the "Future of Football" as they say... then GO OUT!!! as you are ordered to. How can you be leaders when you are not Followers. If you have all the money in the world finance PFF and make your own Sports Body... Mr. Martinez is still the PFF President and I hope he'd never quit.

  7. Something sure smells! And its coming from the Araneta camp. They sure paid a lot of money to get those votes to oust Martinez.

    Its no surprise that all these years, football has never advanced in this country, and its because presidents of football associations in various provinces are just after money. They dont have any conscience. They were bought again by the Araneta camp.

    They always have to put a good man down.! When will the crab mentality ever stop among filipinos. When someone is doing something good, the filipino suffering from a crab mentality will claw him down.

    Now that the Philippine Team is finally making a name and a team to contend with after 3 years of hard work spearheaded by Martinez leadership, its the Araneta camp that wants to harvest and get the glory!

    Its filipinos like the Araneta camp that will destroy whatever good there is now in football!

    FIFA and AFC is such a big organization that cant be twisted around by just one man like you accuse Martinez to do. It's because, they have seen Martinez at work and producing good results. They have acknowledge his hard work and his integrity, and his dedication to football for the good of the majority which they have not seen done by the past leadership.

  8. What did Romualdez ever do for football during his term? What did he do with the $250,000 that was given to him in a yearly basis for 4 years. Reliable sources says that Romualdez paid 250,000 pesos to a lawyer friend named Carpio who sits down in the PFF board!

    Another source says that Romualdez recieved in his term $10,000 from FIFA for assistance to the Philipppine Futsal team of which he only released $2,000 for them. Where did the $8,000 go???

    A FIFA consultant confirmed that during Araneta's term as President of the Iloilo Football Association who was responsible for the Barotac Training Center used inferior materials in building the center, ie. sand approved by FIFA was not followed and used inferior sand instead. Second, inferior grass was used instead of the specified grass required by FIFA. So where did all the funds that were given by FIFA for the building of that center go? What did Araneta do with it? How can a man like Araneta lead PFF when he cant even be faithful with Barotac. How can he be trusted? He has no love for football. He just wants the position and prestige but not the hard work that goes with it.

    How easy it is for the Araneta camp to cast the first stone at Martinez when their own slate is not clean.

  9. You mentioned about the Barotac training center in Iloilo and i was told that Fifa gave $8,000 for that! grabe!
